Paws Between Homes - https://pawsbetweenhomes.org
Paws Between Homes provides temporary foster homes to the pets of Atlanta residents inside the I-285 perimeter who are being evicted or otherwise losing their housing.
HOPE Atlanta – https://hopeatlanta.org
Email: info@hopeatlanta.org
404-817-7070 to see if you are eligible for their services
Rainbow Village - https://rainbowvillage.org
Helps with homelessness
"Contact us" webform: https://rainbowvillage.org/contact-us/
Evictions Law and Resources:
- https://www.georgialegalaid.org/eviction
Assistance Animals:
- HUD website definitions and directives
HUD Memo dated January 28, 2020 regarding request for assistance animal as reasonable accommodation under Fair Housing Act
Sample request for accommodation if you meet the FHA guidelines: Request to Housing Provider for FHA Accommodation (ESA)