Paws Between Homes - https://pawsbetweenhomes.org
Paws Between Homes provides temporary foster homes to the pets of Atlanta residents inside the I-285 perimeter who are being evicted or otherwise losing their housing.
HOPE Atlanta – https://hopeatlanta.org
Email: info@hopeatlanta.org
404-817-7070 to see if you are eligible for their services​
Rainbow Village - https://rainbowvillage.org
Helps with homelessness
"Contact us" webform: https://rainbowvillage.org/contact-us/
Evictions Law and Resources:
- https://www.georgialegalaid.org/eviction
Assistance Animals:
- HUD website definitions and directives
​HUD Memo dated January 28, 2020 regarding request for assistance animal as reasonable accommodation under Fair Housing Act
Sample request for accommodation if you meet the FHA guidelines: Request to Housing Provider for FHA Accommodation (ESA)